
J and I have been taking tennis class all summer. This is the final week. It’s been fun; I feel like I’m at a point where I can get to the ball and hit it back reliably (except for the days when it was super hot out and I refused to run) and usually aim it, at least if I’m not playing one of the guys who hits the ball so hard all I can do is cower. And I don’t always double fault my serves. So now it’s a matter of getting better at everything instead of “I can’t do this at all”.

And then there’s strategy. Tennis strategy and my brain do not mix. We usually play doubles in class, where it seems even more complicated. When to move towards the net, who gets which ball…

We’re planning on signing up for more classes in the fall, when they’re only one day a week instead of two. Which is much easier to fit into my schedule, and maybe we’ll even have time to practice outside of class. This summer there’s been a weekly workout that some people in the class like, but it’s on the one night of the week I can’t go. I’m still waiting to see what the fall workout schedule is like. What we really should do is head up to the park on the weekends, but somehow that rarely happens.

But even without extra practice, I’ve improved a lot this summer. This year I’m hoping to keep playing instead of losing all my skills and starting over next summer.

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  1. Pingback: Tennis league | Elizabeth Shack

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